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> Paisley Swirl Shawl

Paisley Swirl Shawl
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This graceful shawl falls from the shoulders in an ever-increasing swirl. It stays in place with its unusual shaping, which is more than a semi-circle and shows the paisley lace motifs to fine advantage.
The shawl is worked by casting on four stitches at the middle top, then increasing with the “pi” method to create a semi-circular shape. Longer “wings” are shaped with extra increases on the long top edges. It is finished with a lace edging worked sideways and attached to the live stitches of the shawl to bind it off. This is a garter stitch shawl with lace shaping on return rows.
Oops! Even though all our patterns are meticulously tested and proofed, the occasional error can still creep in! We apologize if an error causes problems.
Here is a list of known errors and corrections. If you have purchased a pattern after the date listed, then your pattern most likely incorporates the correction.
Accessories of Hope, Raj Collar:
(corrected on printed patterns after January 2006)
Illustration shows collar with 10 points, but actual collar has 8 points.
Aspen Leaf Shawl (clarification):
Number of stitches on needles after completing Chart 6 is 435 including the stitches of the Leaf Chart. It is 405 stitches without including the Leaf Chart. Chart 6 should be worked same as previous charts, along with the Leaf Chart.
Beech Leaf Shawl:
Number of stitches on needles after completing Chart 4 should be 41, not 45 as stated in some patterns.
Beech Leaf Vest:
(corrected on printed patterns after April 2008)
Number of stitches remaining after casting off for armholes varies due to the Beech Leaf pattern. Some patterns list only number of stitches remaining if Armhole decreases end on Rows 1 to 4. Here is additional information:
Back (top of page 3): after all decs are completed, if you are on a Row 1 to 4 of pattern, 81 (83, 87, 91, 97, 99) sts remain; if on a Row 5 to 10, 75 (77, 81, 85, 91, 93) sts remain.
Right Front (bottom of page 3): after all decs are completed, if you are on a Row 1 to 4 of pattern, 41 (42, 44, 46, 49, 50) sts remain; if on a Row 5 to 10, 39 (40, 42, 44, 47, 48) sts remain.
Left Front (bottom of page 4): after all decs are completed, if you are on a Row 1 to 4 of pattern, 41 (42, 44, 46, 49, 50) sts remain; if on a Row 5 to 10, 39 (40, 42, 44, 47, 48) sts remain.
1. Caress Lacy Top:
(corrected on most printed patterns after November 2006)
Page 2: instructions for Armhole Shaping, second paragraph which reads:
On RS rows, dec at right side edge with k1, skp. Dec at left side edge with k2tog, k1. On WS rows, dec at right side edge with p1, then slip the next 2 sts knitwise 1 at a time to right needle, slip both back to left needle keeping twisted, purl together through the back loops (makes a left-slanting dec to match skp on RS). Dec at left side edge with p2tog, p1.
Instructions should actually read:
On RS rows, dec at beginning of row with k1, skp. Dec at end of row with k2tog, k1. On WS rows, dec at beginning of row with p1, p2tog. Dec at end of row by working to last 3 sts, then slip the next 2 sts knitwise 1 at a time to right needle, slip both back to left needle keeping twisted, purl together through the back loops (makes a left-slanting dec to match skp on RS), end p1.
The correction is in the type of dec worked on the WS or purl side of the fabric. This correction would apply throughout the pattern wherever it says to dec as for Back.
2. Caress Lacy Top:
(corrected on most printed patterns after January 2007)
Lace Edging Chart, page 6:
Chart Symbols: Symbol for purl says to “Purl on WS, knit on RS” but should actually say “Knit on WS, purl on RS.”
Last motif on Sleeve Chart (page 8) should start on Row 45, not Row 44.
Creatures of the Reef instructions, page 2:
(corrected on printed patterns as of November 2003)
Row 5, RC and LC should read 20 stitches, not 21.
Row 6, MS - there is an extra k1 at the end of the row
Row 9, RC, it should read: k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k1 x 11, yo, k2tog x 3, yo, k1. (34 stitches)
The charts are correct.
Enchanting, Body Peplum Chart:
(corrected on printed patterns as of early 2008)
Symbols for Knit and Purl say to work on right side or wrong side, but garment is worked from the front only (in the round). Therefore, symbol for Knit should say only “Knit” and symbol for Purl should say only “Purl.”
On page 4, when picking up sts for neckline finishing, a marker should be placed at the bottom of the Vee.
Expressions of Love: Scarves of Hope pattern booklet:
(corrected on pattern sheets after May 2006 for Heart Chart)
The “I Love You” Chart shows markers on Row 51 moving the same as Row 17, but should actually say “same as Row 5.”
Fern Glade Shawl, Chart 6:
(corrected on printed patterns as of December 2009)
Row 105: last pink number before middle of shawl (pink zig-zag line) should be 6, not 5.
Row 109: last pink number before middle of shawl (pink zig-zag line) should be 8, not 7.
Flirty Ruffles Shawl, gauge swatch instructions:
(corrected on printed patterns as of November 2003)
Some patterns say to “knit” all even-numbered rows. It should read “purl” all even-numbered rows.
Older versions of the pattern may have an incorrect explanation for the reverse of the “knit 3 together symbol” and say “slip 1, knit 2, passo over on second half.” It should actually say “slip 1, k2tog, passo on second half.” Likewise, the symbol for a left-leaning decrease should also say “slip 1, k2tog, passo on second half.”
Florence Scarves, page 3, Triangle Chart 1 instructions:
(corrected on printed patterns as of April 25, 2004)
Instructions for knitting the charts should say “knit the odd-numbered rows from right to left” not from left to right.
Flourish of Lace, page 2, Body Charts instructions:
(corrected on printed patterns as of October 6, 2008)
Instructions for Body Chart C should say:
Work Rows 11 to 20 once, then Rows 1 to 20 once.
Garden Shawl, Flower Stems Chart, Row 138:
Some patterns may indicate the number of stitches in the first section as “5” but it is actually “6.”
Inky-dinky Spider Stole, Chart 11e:
Row 26: First purl dot should be directly under “k2tog” symbol of Row 27, not under “yo” symbol as on some patterns.
Lacy Botanical Scarves
(corrected on printed patterns as of April 2008)
Page 3, first column:
Instructions under Leaves Edging Chart 1 say:
“The first 3 rows (Rows A to C) are set-up rows and are worked only once…Begin with Row A, reading it from right to left, then Row B from left to right, etc.”
Instructions should say to read Row A from left to right, and Row B from right to left.
Page 3, second column:
Working the Leaves Edging Chart 2, the next paragraph is headed Flowers Edging Chart 1 and reference is made to Flowers Edging Chart 1 in the paragraph. Title should say “Leaves Edging Chart 2” and reference should say “Leaves Edging Chart 1.”
Third paragraph under Leaves Edging Chart 2 says “…working the 19 sts on the left needle…” It should say “…18 sts…”
Page 6, Leaves Edging Charts 1 and 2:
Row B says there are 14 plain knit sts, but there are really only 13.
Lacy Lattice Stole
(corrected on printed patterns as of September 2005)
Page 2, under Cables Chart:
This sentence should read: “• Next row (yarnover row): k3, yo, k2tog to last three stitches, k3. (not two stitches, k2)
Page 3, fourth paragraph:
This sentence should read: “Knit Row 1a, turn the work, start Row 2a by slipping the first stitch purlwise and knit 16.” (not 2b)
Lace Edging Chart:
Row 1b: There should be a k2tog decrease immediately to the left of the “slip yarn purlwise” symbol, and stitch count in pink should be 14, not 15.
(corrected on printed patterns as of April 2007)
Page 5, Bells Chart, Row 1: Correct on chart, but line-by-line instructions for Row 1 should read: p4; k3; yo; sl2-k1-p2sso; yo; k3; p3; repeat between asterisks to last st, end p1.
One-Ball Warmers (Collar Warmer design):
(corrected on printed patterns and pdfs as of September 2012)
The cast off instructions for the Collar Warmer design omitted a line of instructions. After the phrase “There is 1 st on the right needle,” the instructions should say, “Slip the st back to the left needle.”
Paisley Swirl:
(correct as of May 2013)
Chart 4 row numbering is incorrect on left side (even rows). Rows should number 44 to 54, not to 56. Written instructions for Chart 4 on page 2 should refer to Row 54, not Row 56.
Peacock Feathers Shawl gauge swatch:
(corrected on printed patterns as of November 2004)
Number of repeats of the gauge swatch chart, Rows 1 to 8 should say “four,” not “six.”
Peacock Feathers Stole Chart 6:
(corrected on printed patterns and pdfs as of October 2012)
Some rows have incorrect marker moving information. A corrected Chart 6 is available for download here:
Chart 6 pdf
Polka-dot Stole, Chart 1:
(corrected on pdf patterns as of February 2015)
Chart symbols say to move markers to left or right (except for first and last markers). This does not apply to Chart 1, where all markers will need to move either left or right as indicated.
Poncho Panache, page 3, Collar (continued):
(corrected on printed patterns as of November 2004)
Pattern says “Knit 106 rows (58 garter ridges).” It should say “Knit 116 rows (58 garter ridges).”
Rhapsody, page 2:
Some patterns contain a typo in the general instructions for size Medium cast on sts. The correct number of cast on sts is 328, as described in the detailed instructions further down.
Ruffly Lace Vest, page 3:
(corrected on printed patterns and pdfs as of May 11, 2012)
At the top of page 3, instructions for neck cast off are incorrect and instructions for working the Left Front are missing. It should read:
Keeping armhole decs correct, patt 25 (28, 31, 32, 34) sts, then cast off 10 (10, 10, 14, 16) sts, end patt 25 (28, 31, 32, 34) sts.
Now working Right Front only:
On next RS row at neck edge, cast off 4 sts.
On next 3 RS rows at neck edge, cast off 2 sts.
On next 2 RS rows at neck edge, cast off 1 st.
On the foll 2nd RS row, cast off 1 st.
12 (14, 15, 16, 17) sts remain. Work in patt until length matches Back, or another 29 (33, 37, 41, 43) rows. Cast off.
With WS facing, rejoin yarn to Left Front, cast off 4 sts and work to end of row. Then, keeping armhole decs correct:
On next 3 WS rows at neck edge, cast off 2 sts.
On next 2 WS rows at neck edge, cast off 1 st.
On the foll 2nd WS row, cast off 1 st.
12 (14, 15, 16, 17) sts remain. Work in patt until length matches Back, or another 30 (34, 38, 42, 44) rows. Cast off.
Scarves of Hope, Roses and Purls Scarf:
(corrected on printed patterns as of May 2005)
Charts are correct but written instructions for Rows 2 and 14 should say, “ Knit all stitches” (not purl).
Scarves of Hope, Knitted Boa Scarf:
Instructions say to ssk but no explanation is given for this abbreviation. This is a left-leaning decrease so knitters can work sl1-k1-psso instead if desired.
Sporty, page 2, 2nd column:
(corrected on printed patterns as of February 2007)
Copy should say: Switch to larger circular needles, join L and work Slip-Stitch Pattern, beg with Row 3:
(corrected after May 2007)
Page 3, 1st column under “Armhole Shaping”:
After casting off armhole stitches, remaining stitches are listed. Copy says “Each front has 40 (41, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49) sts.” It should really say: “Each front has 44 (47, 49, 53, 57, 61, 65) sts.”
Page 3, 2nd column under Right Front, 2nd paragraph:
The instructions for armhole decs on next foll 5 (7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 17) rows should specify RS, or right side rows.
Page 3, 2nd column under Back Armhole Shaping:
The instructions for armhole decs on next foll 5 (7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 17) rows should specify RS, or right side rows.
Trio Sonata, page 5:
(corrected on printed patterns as of January 26, 2011)
To make the Horizontal Scarf longer, work extra repeats of the 12-stitch repeat section on the charts, not 20 stitches.
Triple Mohair Triangle, page 2:
(corrected on printed patterns as of November 2003)
Stitch count on Row 96 should be 262.
Whisper Scarves Two, Chart C:
(error appears on older versions of pattern - newer versions are corrected)
Rows 17 to 23, in the left hand side border, motif is not centered in space. It should match motif on right hand border, which starts on Row 19 rather than 17. Moving motif up on left hand side to start on Row 19 will fix this.
Woven Willow Vest, page 5:
(corrected on printed patterns as of January 4, 2010)
Lace Panel Chart Sizes 4 and 5, Row 5:
The first symbol for a left twist in the 18-stitch section, is missing. There should be three left twists across this section, not two.
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