Pass of Glencoe Runner by Elizabeth Lovick

Pass of Glencoe Runner

May 2018
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
To suit - directions given

Any Yarn patterns offer you the chance to knit that item in any yarn, commercial or handspun. This means you can use yarn from your stash for pattern you like and you do not have to hit the tension given on the pattern.

This pattern can be used for anything rectangular or square, from dressing table mat to bedspread, from scarf to baby blanket. You can change the proportions of the centre to the border and you can add a simple pattern to the centre.
I made this runner from spindle-spun soya silk to brighten up a rather old coffee table.

your yarn and needles to suit
4 stitch markers
waste yarn

To suit. The centre will take about ¼ of your total yarn

You will need to swatch for fabric, and for stitch tension.

The centre is worked first, to and fro, then the border is added in the round.