Peacock Shawlette by Kitman Figueroa

Peacock Shawlette

October 2010
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
not critical
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
3.75 mm (F)
350 - 500 yards (320 - 457 m)
one size: 47" width and 22" deep
Flag of English English
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Written Pattern

Row 47: # K, S2KP, (K, YO, K2tog, YO, K3, YO, SSK, YO, K, S2KP)x 7, K #, K, repeat # to # (181sts)

This is the first shawl that I design which works from bottom up. Most rows have 4-stitch decreased to make up a triangle shape as the pattern goes. A larger size of knitting needle and a crochet hook are required to cast on for the lace edge border. There are 50 rows of lace patterns at Part I and followed by simple reverse stockinette pattern with slip stitch at Part II.

Indeed, it is a very quick and easy project that you can finish within no time. I made this shawl using only 350yard of yarn. Again, please prepare at least 440yard of yarn if you think you knit fairly loose.

This pattern provide full written instruction as well charts.

-This pattern is test knitted by 10 knitters-