Peri-Twinkle Toes by Edie Eckman

Peri-Twinkle Toes

January 1999
DK (11 wpi) ?
28 stitches = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 3 - 3.25 mm
350 - 420 yards (320 - 384 m)
US Woman's shoe size 7-8

Stolen from Amazon:

Book Description Warm your heart as well as your soles with these soft, cozy, playful designer socks. Complete sock knitting lessons are presented along with 12 designs for women, ranging from classic to fanciful.

The pattern specifies Berella Country Garden D.K. sport weight wool yarn, 3.5 oz (270 yards, 100 g) Delphinium #32

Size 3 (3.25 mm) 7” double-pointed knitting needles, or size required for gauge.

Size F (3.75 mm) crochet hook (optional, for picking up sts)

Stitch marker

2.5” long stitch holder

Size 18 tapestry needle.

Gauge: 7 sts = 1” in stockinette stitch

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