Persern - The Persian by Emma Jacobsson

Persern - The Persian

January 1940
Light Fingering ?
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
English Swedish

The Persian was originally designed by Bohus Stickning founder Emma Jacobsson in the 1940s and was recreated by Pernille Silfverberg in 2021.

Persern is knitted in wool from the bottom up, and the main color is natural grey.

The patterned area instructions say to use separate balls of yarn for each area - the majority seems to be stranded with some intarsia up the side “arrows” when the yellow does not carry all the way across the design. The AngoraGarnet photo of the reverse side shows this technique. The photo of the reverse side of Eva’s project shows her all-intarsia for the yellow pattern areas and stranded for the grey colors technique.