Pineapple Fans: Perfect Pineapple by Judy Teague Treece

Pineapple Fans: Perfect Pineapple

Thread ?
1.65 mm
282 yards (258 m)
12-1/2" in diameter
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Doily has 7-fold


Gauge: Rounds 1 and 2 = 2 inches in diameter

Also for sale at E-patterns central with Pineapple Fans: Pretty Pineapples.

From e-patterns central:

The elegance of a handmade lace doily lends warmth, grace and sophistication to your decor. Both doilies are made using size 10 crochet thread and a size 7/1.65mm steel crochet hook. Sizes: Pretty Pineapples: 10” in diameter; Perfect Pineapple: 12 1/2” in diameter.