Pinecone Edged Table-Center by Elizabeth Hiddleson

Pinecone Edged Table-Center

Thread ?
Rnds 1-4 = 3 1/4 inches in diameter
1.5 mm
1055 yards (965 m)
Approx 39.5 inches in diameter
both US and UK
English French Spanish

Skill Level = Intermediate
Doily with star in center and round of individual pineapples (pinecones) as border.

Suggested option crochet cotton #40 and US hook #13(.95mm) for a mat
measuring 27.5 inches in diameter.

Pattern 14, pp. 38 & 39 of Magic Crochet.
Pattern 14, “Teacloth with pineapple motifs”, pp. 30-31 31 of Crochet Monthly.
Called “Tapete con Piñas” in Ganchillo Artistico.

Underlay cloth is mid blue, fern is pictured with tea for one in white crockery with pale floral single flower thereon.