Pink Peony by Elizabeth Hiddleson

Pink Peony

March 1989
Thread ?
Rnds 1-6 = 4 1/2"
1.4 mm
280 - 300 yards (256 - 274 m)
15" in diamter


To obtain a mat about 12 1/4” in diamter, we recommend using crochet cotton no. 40 and steel hook US size 13.

Pattern has brief instructions and is charted.

Pattern #25 on page 51

A doily in 25 rounds.
Pattern features:

sc through back loops.
trtr - triple triple crochet: yo 4x, pull up lp in st, yo and draw thru lps on hook 2 by 2
Irish crochet of filled chains
“Cluny” crowns of successive rounds of sc in sc

a symbol resembling a “4” - insert hook in sts to which symbol points.