Pumpkin by curiouspapaya


September 2021
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
8 stitches and 2 rows = 1 inch
3.75 mm (F)
20 - 30 yards (18 - 27 m)
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What better way to get into the mood than with crocheted pumpkins? I personally LOVE the unique ones. The more bumps and curves, the better! That’s why I created this design for my textured pumpkin. And of course I had to make them with pastel colors.

What’s great is that you can modify the pattern by using different hook sizes or different yarn weights to make other sizes as well. If using the prescribed materials, your pumpkin will measure 7 in. x 4.5 in. 17.71 cm x 11.5 cm.

Here’s what you’ll need for this project:


Clover Amour Crochet Hook F (3.75 mm) – Art. No 1044/F
Medium worsted yarn in your main color and two complementary colors
Mini Patchworks Scissors – Art. No 493/CW
Quick Locking Stitch Marker (small) – Art. No 3033
Jumbo darning needle – Art. No 340
Fiber fill stuffing
BLO – back loops only
PS – puff stitch (YO, pull up a loop) x 4 so you have a total of 9 loops around your hook. YO and pull through all 9 loops. CH 1 to close up the puff stitch.
CH – chain
DC – double crochet
FLO – front loops only
HDC – half double crochet
SC – single crochet
ST(s) – stitch(es)
INC – increase
SLST – slip stitch
WS/RS – wrong side/right side
YO – yarn over
# – stitch count
(…) x # – repeat the instructions within the parentheses # of times