Radiance Floor Rug by Shelley Husband

Radiance Floor Rug

June 2015
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
9.0 mm (M/N)
700 - 750 yards (640 - 686 m)
both US and UK
This pattern is available from shop.shelleyhusbandcrochet.com for AU$5.00.

Pattern updated June 2019.

The patter now includes charts and the yarn needs to make the rug in 3mm rope in 2 sizes - a smaller roundish version and the original star shape.

Radiance Floor Rug is the result of a long held desire to make something with super chunky yarn.

I used almost 7 balls to make this big floor rug. The pattern is quite quick despite its size - only 31 rounds.

I have made the pattern as print-friendly as I can, so while I provide pictures of each round and any interesting bits, you can choose to just print the written instructions

The pattern is available in both UK and US terms.