Richmond Gloves to Knit by Lesley O'Connell Edwards

Richmond Gloves to Knit

February 2018
Lace ?
39 stitches and 52 rows = 4 inches
in St st
US 0 - 2.0 mm
828 yards (757 m)
6.5" glove circumference and 11" long from center of gauntlet to tip of middle finger
This pattern is available in print for $6.50.

Knit the magical Richmond gloves for yourself or as a gift for someone special. The ingenious construction—a double layer glove made in fine yarn on fine needles with the lower layer a fully fashioned glove complete with fingers, while the upper one is fully fashioned over the hand but without fingers—will astound family and friends!

Difficulty Intermediate

Finished Size 6.5” glove circumference and 11” long from center of gauntlet to tip of middle finger.

Yarn Blacker Yarns Pure Blue-Faced Leicester Laceweight (100% Bluefaced Leicester wool; 383 yd (250 m)/1.75 oz (50 g)): ivory tree coral, 2 balls.

Needles Size 0 (2 mm): straight and set of doublepointed. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions Markers; stitch holders; waste yarn for provisional CO; tapestry needle.

Gauge 39 sts and 52 rnds = 4” in St st.

Notes These gloves begin with the gauntlet, which is worked back and forth in brioche stitch. The external fingerless mitten is worked from the gauntlet in the round. Then the fingerless mitten is turned inside out and the internal glove is worked from the provisional cast-on of the gauntlet. The fingerless mitten is folded over the glove, wrong side of mitten against right side of glove.