Riverside Hoodie by Cassie Ward

Riverside Hoodie

June 2024
Sport (12 wpi) ?
3.0 mm
4.0 mm (G)

This lightweight top is perfect to wear with your favourite
little summer dress or just with a T-shirt and jeans.


● Drops Safran, 100% cotton,
Yarn A: Light Beige 64
x 9 (10, 11, 12, 13, 14) balls
Yarn B: Pumpkin 67 x 5 (5,
6, 6, 7, 7) balls
● 3mm & 4mm hooks
● Five shell buttons,


Work Granny Square to end of
Rnd 4 to measure 10 x 10cm/
4 x 4in using 3mm hook, or
size required to obtain tension.
Work Large Square for
medium size to measure
25 x 25cm/10 x 10in using
3mm hook, or size required
to obtain tension.
Work 6 V-sts and
approximately 8 rows to
measure 10 x 10cm/4 x 4in
using 4mm hook, or size
required to obtain tension.