Round Table Center Spring by Yuriko Yoshimoto (吉本 百合子)

Round Table Center Spring

Pattern is 4 colors and uses approx 25 grams of #30 white, plus 10 grams of varigated green, and a little bit of thread light green and a dark green.
Rounds 1 to 4 written pattern plus chart.
Pattern consists of 27 rounds

Puff stitch = 3 treble crochet and 3 chains.
Pineapples are done in double crochet.
Popcorn stitch = 6 double crochets.
Cluster stitch consists of 8 or 10 chains.

Pattern 23 in Magic Crochet Magazine #5.
Pattern 11 in Die Masche.

p.99 #2 配色を変えて楽しむ小物敷 in Golden Lace Pineapple Edition (ゴールデンレース編 パイナップル編)

hook; JP lace no.6 (1.0mm)