Scrap happy by Frances Greybe

Scrap happy

DK (11 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
18 cm high/19 cm for adult doll/21 cm Little Drummer Boy

Scraps of yarns in DK or 4 ply and,
Toy filling.
Father Christmas
Red, white and black for clothes/belt & hair, skin colour, felt for facial features.
Body in green, skin colour hands & face, arms in green, pom poms in orange, hair shown in yellow, felt features and,
Boy doll
Blue and white clothes, hair and skin colour, felt for facial features.
Girl Doll
Pink and white: dress, scarf & hat, hair and skin colour, delt for facial features.

Chunky yarn scraps
Adult doll in bright colours
Skin colour, red, yellow, blue and white.
Little Drummer Boy
Black, red and skin colour, eye colour.