She's Apples by Loani Prior

She's Apples

July 2014
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
For a 4 cup teapot
Flag of English English

Yarn: I didn’t name the aran tweed in the base of the cosy in the pattern because any aran tweed will work. Something to give it that rustic feel. This is a mixture of Brooklyn Tweed Shelter (the rust brown) and Debbie Bliss Donegal Luxury Tweed.

She’s Apples is a variation on the theme of Fruitopia (see page 60 in the book). One discovered the Rustic Basket Stitch pattern, which wasn’t called the Rustic Basket Stitch pattern in the place that One discovered it. One discovered it just days before One was to hand in the final patterns for edit. One HAD to use it, so One whipped up She’s Apples. One hopes you are as please with it as One is.