Sleeveless sweater by Lyric (Pattern Services) Ltd

Sleeveless sweater

New Era Super Crimp Bri Nylon
DK (11 wpi) ?
11 stitches = 2 inches
in garter stitch using 3.75 mm needles
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
20 (25) inch undressed doll

2 (3) x ounce balls of Superior Double Knitting or,
3 (4) x ¾ ounce balls of New Era Super Crimp Bri Nylon.
(no mention of other colours used for colourwork).
Medium crochet hook.
2 buttons.

Doll outfit
Doll wears a sleeveless sweater/dress with colourwork on the lower section.

One pattern for dolls titled: Just Like Real in Woolworth’s Knitting Magazine Issue 1, the full size adult pattern was in the same issue.