Sliding Garter by Knitter's Design Team

Sliding Garter

January 2005
Sport (12 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 26 rows
in Garter Stitch
US 7 - 4.5 mm
90 - 180 yards (82 - 165 m)
3" x 72"
Flag of English English

Skill Level: Easy
Yarn Weight: Medium to Bulky

Two scarf options - Scarf A is listed above. (Note there are 2 colors of yarn, requiring 90 yds each.)

Scarf B: Approx. Finished Size 6” x 72”
Yarn: BROWN SHEEP Top of the Lamb, 90 yds, (A) and CHERRY TREE HILL Thick and Thin, 90 yds, (B).
Needles: two US 10-1/2/ 6.5mm, double-point
Guage: 14 sts/22 rows in 4”, over Garter Stitch

Knit, slide, knit, turn…that’s all you do!