Solid State Dishcloth by Sue Perez

Solid State Dishcloth

May 2024
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
Gauge is not important for this pattern
60 - 85 yards (55 - 78 m)
Custom; samples measure 6" x 7"
This pattern is available for free.

The Solid State dishcloth was specially designed to prevent gaping holes and floppy edges. No matter how you stretch it, wet or dry, the fabric remains stable. It’s worked with a special variation of single crochet that keeps tension evenly distributed across the fabric - not only within each stitch, but also between each row. The Solid State Dishcloth also features a flexible I-cord foundation, perfectly straight sides, and a tidy slip stitch edging that helps prevent flared or distorted edges. The finished dishcloth is smooth and cushiony, with an even thickness from edge to edge.

The free written pattern includes helpful photos and tips, and a videotutorial. Find it here: Solid State Dishcloth by Sue Perez

Yarn Requirements
Kitchen cotton yarn, 40-50 gm/60-85 yards

Custom (I have small hands, so my dishcloths are 6” x 7” and use less than 30 gm each; yours can be any size you like)

Yarn I Used
Worsted weight hand-dyed kitchen cotton from my dear friend Snowcatcher (jrnylst on Rav)

Choose a hook size appropriate for your yarn (you might want to try a smaller hook than usual for the dishcloth body). Optional for edging: extra hook, one size smaller than hook used for body.

Hook Sizes I Used
US G/4.25mm for body; US F/3.75mm for edging

Recommended stitch tension
Relaxed for body; moderate for foundation row and edging

2 stitch markers; yarn needle for weaving in ends

All crochet terminology is American.

Thanks for viewing, and happy crocheting!