Spanish Peacock Shawl by Meg Swansen

Spanish Peacock Shawl

November 2000
Lace ?
US 10 - 6.0 mm
72" in diameter - blocked
Flag of English English
Errata available:

Pattern Description from A Gathering of Lace: “My daughter Liesl was getting married, and I began to search for a suitable wedding shawl design. I found a lovely doily pattern in a booklet, Tapetes de Punto, which my mother had brought from Spain. To make a full-sized shawl, I repeated portions of the chart several times - rather guessing at the rate of increase - and finished it off with a sideways border pattern from Barbara Abbey’s Knitting Lace. Knitting by the seat of my pants, I kept very sketchy notes on what I had done, so your version will most likely look quite different.”

Pattern may be found on p. 161

Notes: “This small table-center chart was all I had to go by, so I followed it closely through round 78. After that, instructions become very vague to the point that you will be rather on your own. I used 8 oz of Shetland laceweight wool and size 10 (6mm) needles. “

Errata (unofficial) on Kski’s project page.