Step Right Up by Edie Eckman

Step Right Up

Sport (12 wpi) ?
28 stitches = 4 inches
in Stockinette stitch
US 3 - 3.25 mm
300 - 540 yards (274 - 494 m)
Women's sizes

The socks in the book are striped and the following yarn is specified:

Berella Country Garden D.K. sport weight wool yarn, 3.5 oz (270 yds, 100 g) Delphinium #32; 1.75 oz (135 yds, 50 g) each, Shrimp #14 and Snowdrop #1.

Size 3 (3.25mm) 7” double-pointed knitting needles, or size required for gauge

Size F (3.75mm) crochet hook (optional for picking up sts)

Stitch marker

2.5” long stitch holder

Size 18 tapestry needle.

Gauge for rows is not given. The socks are knitted cuff-down.

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