Stripy Chick by Hilda Steyn

Stripy Chick

October 2022
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
This is a Measure & Make pattern; individual gauge is not important
US 4 - 3.5 mm
820 - 875 yards (750 - 800 m)
This is a Measure & Make pattern; you can make this for any body size.
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

This cardigan is knitted top down in one piece. The button band ribbing is picked up and knitted afterwards.

The pattern was designed specifically for stripes, so it is a plain, garter stitch pattern with minimal stocking stitch
detail on the raglan stripes. You can however knit it in one colour; there is after all no rules.

If you do decide to change
colour, and you want a clean stripe, make sure you change colour on a right-side facing row.

Colour changes are not specified in the pattern. Your canvas is blank; colour it any way you like.

The yarn used has been discontinued. Any DK yarn will work.