Sunshine Medley by Mayumi Sato

Sunshine Medley

Thread ?
1.25 mm
ca. 13¾" diameter
both US and UK

Gauge 5 rounds = 2 inches

You will find a colored picture of this doily on the back page of the magazine issue while the instructions are on page 82. This pattern calls for pearl cotton in a size 8 but crochet thread in size 20 may be substituted for it. It calls for white, yellow, variegated orange, dark green and a lighter green. Stitches used are single crochet, double crochet, treble crochet and chains. The pattern is in chart form with written help for some spots where the chart might benefit from explanation. Since there are several color changes, be aware that you will need to work more than the usual number of ends back into the crochet.