Super Scrubbie by Lizzie Rose Knits

Super Scrubbie

December 2018
both are used in this pattern
yarn held together
+ Aran
= Bulky (7 wpi) ?
garter stitch
US 10 - 6.0 mm
20 - 30 yards (18 - 27 m)
6.5" x 6.5"
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download


This delightfully textured scrubbie is easy to knit, and fast.

The finished scrubbie is a square about 6.5 inches on each side.

You won’t need much yarn of either cotton or scrubby yarn, so at least five of these can be made with the 2 skeins, depending on their size.

A warning - if you use scrubby cotton and cotton yarns, some shrinkage may occur. (not much though)

Thanks for looking at this pattern. I hope you grab some materials and start knitting right away!


  • one skein scrubby yarn
  • one skein worsted weight cotton yarn
  • 6mm (US 10) or 7mm straight knitting needles
  • (because you will hold both yarns together, I would recommend going up about three needle sizes from the cotton yarn label’s needle size)

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