Sweater with Green Edges and Pattern by Dagmar Beder

Sweater with Green Edges and Pattern

Bulky (7 wpi) ?
15 stitches = 4 inches
in stranded colorwork
US 10 - 6.0 mm
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
1379 - 2167 yards (1261 - 1982 m)
91 (96) 107 (117) cm / 36 (38) 42 (46)”
Danish English
This pattern is available for kr.32.00 DKK
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Size: S (M) L (XL)

Chest: 91 (96) 107 (117) cm / 36 (38) 42 (46)”

Length: 65 (70) 73 (76) cm / 26 (28) 29 (30)”

Yarn: Navia Tradition medium grey 903, 3 (3) 4 (5) balls, white 901, 3 (3) 4 (5) balls, green 908, 1 (1) 1 (1) ball

Needles: Circular needles 6 mm (US 10) and 7 mm (US 10.5) 60 or 80 cm / 24 or 32”, and double pointed needles 6 mm (US 10) and 7 mm (US 10.5)

Gauge: 15 sts pattern on 7 mm (US 10.5) = 10 cm/4”.
Check your gauge and adjust needle size(s) accordingly if necessary.

Note: Back/front is worked in the round to the armhole, then is divided and worked flat. The sleeves are worked in the round.