The "Don't Worry" Felted Shoulder Bag by Catherine Hughes - SpinstarCreations

The "Don't Worry" Felted Shoulder Bag

March 2012
Pure Wool - bag requires felting
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for free.

A sturdy felted shoulder bag large enough to take your diary, purse and keys.

Why “Don’t Worry”? This bag pattern is pretty forgiving. If you’ve got handspun yarn that is a bit lumpy or bumpy, don’t worry, it’ll look better when knitted and felted - if your knitting isn’t that even, don’t worry, felting will hide it :) Nervous about felting? Don’t worry (just cross your fingers when you throw the bag in your washing machine)!