The Nipple Project by Jennifer Baylis

The Nipple Project

Aran / Worsted ?

The Nipple Project was initially inspired by the release of advertisements for a bra that espoused quite blatantly that it provides “maximum nipple coverage!” Jennifer Baylis and Andrea M. Dominguez felt that this bra epitomized the eradication and androgenization of the nipple. They found this ironic in an era where breast augmentation is done in order to gain a “more feminine look.” So they wanted to reclaim their natural femininity and counter this strange phenomenon. But as Jennifer and Andrea’s call for nipples for their project got into full swing, they realized they had touched something deeper. Women responded to their call for reasons they had not intended. Breast cancer survivors, women who had lost a family member or friend to breast cancer and women who were inspired by the joys and rigors of nursing have all contributed work to the project.

The Nipple Project was part of Enclosed, Encased & Enrobed at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art.