Tiny bird nest swing by Karine Larose

Tiny bird nest swing

January 2025
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
Gauge isn’t important; make sure to use the appropriate hook for your yarn so that the stuffing isn’t visible. All parts are worked continuously, you don’t have to join at the beginning of each round so count the stitches as you go or use a stitch marker.
2.5 mm
Nest is about 2 inches wide x 0.5 inches tall.
English French
This pattern is available for free.

This pattern is available for free on my website!

What could be better than an adorable little hanging nest to display your amigurumi? This pattern is worked quickly and the resulting swing will allow you to hang your amigurumi everywhere!

Requires less than 10 g of yarn!

The swing is meant to hang with the amigurumi agaisn’t a wall for balance. If you mean to have the amigurumi hanging “free”, you may have to sew it in the nest and sew the cord to each side of the amigurumi to avoid it flipping over.

Ce patron est disponible gratuitement sur mon site web!

Quoi de mieux qu’un petit nid douillet pour mettre en valeur vos amigurumi? Ce patron se crochète rapidement et vous permettra d’accrocher vos amigurumi aux endroits de votre choix pour enjoliver votre quotidien!

Requiert moins de 10 g de laine!

La balançoire est conçue pour être accrochée au mur, si vous voulez suspendre votre amigurumi dans le vide sans que la balançoire ne se renverse, vous devrez coudre votre amigurumi en place et coudre la cordelette de chaque côté.