We 'Heart' Koigu Baby Blanket by Espace Tricot

We 'Heart' Koigu Baby Blanket

March 2014
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
22 stitches = 4 inches
in garter stitch
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1925 yards (1760 m)
33" x 36"
English French
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Espace Tricot is a yarn store in Montreal, Canada. Discover our yarns here! www.espacetricot.com

Happy and colourful, this wonderfully simple baby blanket perfectly matches the joy of welcoming a new arrival into the world. Knit with Koigu KPPPM (100% merino), the We ‘Heart’ Koigu Baby Blanket is an easy garter stitch project - the first stitch of every row is slipped purlwise with the yarn in front to allow for easy picking up of stitches along each side to create a log cabin style border.

Pattern available in both English and French!

Requires 2 skeins of three colours and 1 skein of five colours.