Wrist Warmers by Eva-Maria Steinkamp

Wrist Warmers

June 2014
DK (11 wpi) ?
23 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
437 yards (400 m)
small to medium and large

General Notes
You will need two stitch markers for this pattern. The left and right mitts are identical. The cable is created by twisting 3 stitches in the following way:
take your right needle behind the knitting and go onto the back loop of the third stitch on your left needle. Pull the yarn through, then knit the first and second stitch and drop the third one ( you knitted this sts first). Make sure you always have the same amount of sts on your dpns (10sts per needle for the small size).

Stitch Pattern Notes
The mitts are knitted from the fingers down to the wrist. The pattern has a repeat of two rows and 5 stitches. The pattern is repeated 6 times (small to medium size), or 7 times (large size) in a round. The number in brackets relates to the larger mitt size.