
both are used in this pattern
Thread ?
0.6 mm
0.75 mm
Lace A: 2 1/2" wide - Lace B: 2 3/4" wide
English Spanish

Skill level = Intermediate

Pattern 13 on pp 31, 32-33 in Magic Crochet.
Pattern “Atractivas puntillas a duo” in Ganchillo Artistico.
Pattern “Motivos encadenados” in mucho mas.

Filet crochet Lace A consists of motifs {10 rounds} + 1 row edging. Complete as many motifs as necessary for length of lace desired and join them as established.

Lace B consists of motifs {10 rounds} + 1 row edging. Repeat the 10 rounds of motif as many times as necessary for length desired.

Stitches include chain stitches, slip stitches, single crochet, double crochet and picoted double crochet stitches.

According to the pattern: To determine amount of thread you will need, refer to gauge, complete one motif, measure it and weigh it, then multiply the result by the number of motifs desired.