You Are Entirely a Star Child by Hook Mountain Handmade

You Are Entirely a Star Child

November 2019
Aran (8 wpi) ?
19 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
150 - 200 yards (137 - 183 m)
Toddler, Child, Adult
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

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If you’ve been wanting to try colorwork, You Are Entirely a Star Child is the perfect first project. Made with worsted weight yarn, it knits up fast and cozy!

I’ve been absolutely obsessed with stars lately, but discovered that there was a regrettable lack of stars in my wardrobe. I knew I needed to remedy that situation immediately, and this hat is the result.

It’s knit in the round, from the bottom up, sized from toddler to adult, and will keep you and yours shining and warm all winter long.

This is a great first stranded color work project because it only uses one contrast color, and there are only a few rows with long (< 9 stitch) floats.

(The pattern name comes from Isaac Gantwerk Mayer, who translated Smash Mouth’s “All Star” into 4th century Babylonian Judeo Aramaic, and then back into English thus rendering “Hey now, you’re an All Star!” as “Behold Currently! You are entirely a Star Child!”)


yarn: any worsted or aran weight yarn will work here. You’ll need approximately 100-150y of the MC and 50y of a CC.

needles: US 6/4mm 16” circular needle and DPNs, and US 8/5mm 16” circular needle. Or size needed to obtain gauge

size: toddler size will fit a head approximately 17.5”, child size will fit a 19” head, and adult will fit a head between 21-22” (it can even accommodate a 23” head, depending on what kind of fit you like).

skills: knitting, purling, two color colorwork from a chart.