patterns > Knit the City: Maschenhaft Seltsames
Knit the City: Maschenhaft Seltsames
by Deadly Knitshade

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ISBN-10: 3-455-38105-7
ISBN-13: 978-3-455-38105-4
The sneaky stitching story of Knit the City has been lovingly poured onto 128 pages, through the weaving of words and snapping of pictures of Deadly Knitshade. The book also features Ms Knitshade’s solo Whodunnknit knitblasts, and a knitting pattern for the infamous Finger-fighting Stitched Squid (squidius knittius) captured in London’s Natural History Museum.
Showcasing the woolly work of Deadly Knitshade, Knitting Ninja, Lady Loop, Shorn-a the Dead, The Fastener, and other sneaky stitchers who have since been eaten by yarn monsters, it’s a hoard of handmade happiness with a filthy underbelly and several ticklish bits.
Hardcover published by Hoffmann und Campe