patterns > Sectional Knitting

Beautiful in its intricacy, this woven wrap is a lot easier to make than it looks. The “wave” pattern is created by working the strips together, then working them separately and re-positioning them to give the wrap its loosely braided, elegant style. This eBook provides instruction for the Sectional Knitting technique used in this wrap, along with tips and tricks. You also get 4 patterns for different wrap configurations. Video tutorials are also included with purchase of eBook.
Electronic download, does NOT include printed copy
Instructional eBook (PDF or EPUB file for use with tablets and readers) that includes technique and 4 different patterns
Video tutorials (link to videos delivered with eBook files)
Wave Wrap knitting kit (eBook, videos and yarn) available here
Little Wave Wrap knitting kit (eBook, videos and yarn) available here
eBook published in April 2020