There are 55 patterns pictured in the catalogue; with up to 4 per page. This 36 page catalogue and pattern booklet has four knitting patterns as follows:
- Raglan cardigan,
- Tunic coat (pictured on cover),
- Raglan classic,
- Shortie (Janome machine knit).
Front Cover:
Tunic coat in Courtelle Crepe DK.
There is a list to order patterns, so numbers are as follows:
242, 251, 254, 278,
298, 299, 315, 323,
324, 682, 686, 717,
762, 792, 2048, 2072,
2089, 2244, 2314, 2364,
2408, 2441, 2463, 2469,
2501, 2517, 2541, 2571,
3006, 3008, 3012, 3017,
4000, 4015, 4016, 5001,
5005, 5006, 5010, 5039,
5041, 5045, 5046, 5047,
5053, 5056, 5065, 5067,
5068, 5075, 5085, 5098,
5103, 5105, 8002, 8003,
Also 9915 - Babyland Knitting & 9920 Birthday Knitting (both books for first 6 months).
Cost of 20 cents each with the books costing 25 cents each in South Africa.
Pamphlet published in 1971