by ShinyIrreverence Errata slip Book 348 Design A - Pages 4 and 5 In the book there is an error relating to the Collar The instructions should read as follows: - With RS facing, using 3 1/4mm needles and starting halfway across right front border pick up and knit 3 sts along border pick up and knit 9 11:13:15:17 sts evenly along right side of neck, knit across 33 35:37:45:49 sts left on a stitch holder. Pick up and knit 9 11:13:15:17 sts evenly along left side of neck and knit 3 sts along left front border, ending halfway across. 57 63:69:81:89 sts. Next Row. (K1, P1) 8 10:11:14:16 times, (inc in the next st, k1, p1) 8 times, (k1, p1) 8 9:11:14:16 times, k1. 65 71:77:89:97 sts.
Also in Design B - page 7 Under the materials heading the yarn amounts should read as follows: - V Neck Cardigan F075 Snuggly DK shade 405 1 1 1 2 2 50g balls Round Neck Cardigan F075 Snuggly DK shade 404 1 1 1 2 2 50g balls.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.