Hear from drumcarder manufacturers about the benefits of their different models. Explore the 2001 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival with Rita Buchanan and Mary Spanos. Meet Jean Case, an innovative learner and teacher who loved spinning silk. Admire a handspun gallery of spun, dyed, and knitted sweaters. Become a llama lover with help from Judith Farrin. Carol Rhoades teaches you how to handcard with a light touch and how to make perfect rolags.
Learn how to spin and knit your own Spin-Off 25th Anniversary Sweater. Spin your dog’s fur with Shetland fiber and knit a dog?s paw shawl. Handspin some cotton and knit a drawstring bag, perfect for carrying a tahkli spindle and some fiber. Make a sampler vest out of silk and extra bits of handspun yarn.
Magazine published in August 2001 by Long Thread Media LLC