No cover pictures of items on this 80 page supplement.
page number/item:
6/ Moody blues: Lacy edged tunic (Unispin), 8/ Moody blues: Ladies mohair sweater (Unispin), Boy’s aran sweater (write-in), 10/ Soft on you: Black and white spotted jersey (machine knit) (Elna Passap), 16/ Gents raglan cardigan (Pingouin), 18/ Weekend wear (Pingouin), 20/ Home run: Striped teenage sweater & Boy’s jumper with car motif (Pingouin), 24/ Ladies jacquard mustard suit (Empisal machine knit), 26/ Ladies Navy skirt and blazer (Empisal machine knit), 58/ Twice as nice: lace doilies (DMC). 66/ Moody blues: Man’s cardigan pattern (Unispin).
Magazine published in April 1993