Veronica Shaw

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Booties
Baby Booties in three sizes ‘ugg’ style knitting and crochet pattern - this design is the 10th Birthday, 2022 reboot of the ‘ugg’ style boots I designed for Let’s knit in 2012 - a super cute pattern with a wealth of ideas for making your own special, individual and unique booties in DK yarns - Fyberspates/Indie Dyed/Modern and any other DK yarn...
Knitting: Cowl
-this is the first of a series of knitted cowl design modules with alternative stitch patterns to follow - in two widths/depths and as part of a follow up sequence of designs to match with Let’s knit slouch hat entitled ‘Head Turner’ September 2021 issue - designed in ‘pussy willow’ rib stitch inspired by ‘Japanese Stitches Unravelled’ by Wendy...