Iris Wildsmith

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Animal Toy
Flump was born from my favourite childhood characters; Bagpuss, The Moomins and The Cheshire Cat (Alice In Wonderland). It also follows that the name came from another of my favourites; The Flumps and coincidentally, the very delicious marshmallow treat! Flump is intended to be squidgy; like the marshmallows.
Knitting: Scarf, Shawl / Wrap
Knitting: Clutch
This clutch purse is ideal for the summer, with the theme of either cherries or berries; the main construction of the purse is one piece, having a woven appearance.
Knitting: Scarf
The ends of the scarf highlight the technique of garter stitched entralac, whilst the main length of the scarf is simply ribbed.