Barbara Lösche
eBooks available as Ravelry Downloads

eBook :
4 patterns
Das e-Book “die Bienenkönigin” versammelt alle Muster, die ich unter dem Namen “die Bienenkönigin” publiziert habe.

eBook :
2 patterns
The two sister shawls Mairead and Marcail are wonderfully worn by a pair of friends. They start similarly at the top, differ slightly at the lacy wings and have different center panels.
Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Knitting: Scarf
Kysmena is an open, net-like, stole or scarf including a central decorative element. It will warm your shoulders on cooler spring or fall days as well as during late summer evenings. You can easily adapt it to your desired length and tweak the width as well to make either a small summer scarf or a full and elegant stole for your next formal eve...