Yvonne Choi

Patterns available as Ravelry Downloads

Crochet: Pullover
The Gangalee Sweater is a versatile lightweight mosaic crochet sweater - make it with short sleeves and cotton yarn for a summer garment, or long sleeves and wool yarn for a warmer sweater. A lookbook can be found here for inspiration, and to see how the sweater looks on different bodies of different sizes.
Crochet: Knee-highs, Mid-calf Socks
Coambulo (Latin for “walk together”)
Crochet: Mid-calf Socks
The Gangalee Socks are a cuff-down sock, crocheted in the round, with an after-thought heel that is crocheted at the end. Mosaic crochet charts are included for the mosaic crochet pattern around the leg and along the top of the foot.
Crochet: Ankle Sock
Make yourself a pair of mosaic crochet socks!