yarns > Cottage Industry > Pakucho Organic Peruvian Cotton

Pakucho Organic Peruvian Cotton

Pakucho cotton is a certified organic natural product from Peru in South America. In the ancient Inca language Pakucho meant “brown cotton”. Through millennia more natural colors has been cultivated, and today Pakucho cotton is grown in colors including natural cream, beige and brown shades. Neither pesticides, fertilizers, nor colors are used in producing the yarn. These conditions together with the cotton’s soft yarn properties make it particularly suitable for children’s clothing.
All harvesting and color sorting is done by hand, as it has been done since cotton was first cultivated in Peru for more than 4,500 years ago. Pima cotton comes from northern Peru. In the same area also coca is grown. Cocaine is extracted from coca. Since 1993, a Fair-trade project has assured the farmers a fair wage if they switched to growing cotton instead of coca. This makes it possible for the farmers to live off the cultivation of cotton. We are still working on getting more farmers to convert their production from the illegal coca to organic cotton.
Only natural colors
11 projects
31 times
- Page created: October 1, 2012
- Last updated: March 31, 2019 …