yarns > Fiberpassion > Pinta | handdyed

Pinta | handdyed

Handgefärbtes Garn auf der Basis Pinta von Pascuali.
Durch die Beimischung von 20% Maulbeerseide und 20% Ramiefasern zu den 60% feiner Schurwolle erhält das Garn Stabilität und einen schönen, dezenten Glanz.
Dadurch ist das Garn nicht nur für Socken, sondern vor allem auch für Tücher und Oberbekleidung geeignet. Es kratzt nicht und fühlt sich weich an.
For those people who avoid wearing synthetic fibers or just do not like them, we can offer the best combination of the natural fibers for durable, practical and wonderful socks.
The wool share in the yarn warms in winter, ramie build water absorbency and silk confers to the material a light glance and elasticity. This combination gives you incredible pleasurable sensation by wearing a product knitted of this yarn.
The sock wool Pinta is a 4-threads yarn that you will fall in love with! It doesn’t itch and feels very soft by touch. You can knit with this yarn not only socks but also other garments.
Important Note for yarn editors:
I am a certified partner of Pascuali and this yarn is handdyed by fiberpassion using Pascuali Pinta yarn as base yarn.
Please do NOT merge with any other yarn without contacting me before.
28 projects
34 times
- Page created: September 5, 2016
- Last updated: June 3, 2019 …