daylights from Harrisville Designs


from Harrisville Designs
DK (11 wpi) ?
250 yards
(229 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
22.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 5 - 7 or 3.75 - 4.5mm
80% Wool - Cormo
20% Wool
Care: Dry Flat, Hand Wash Cold
Color: Semi-solid
Drafting method: Woolen spun
Dye: Machine dyed, Undyed
Ply: 3-ply
Put up: Winding required
Source of fiber: United States, Montana
Scoured: United States, Texas
Milled: United States, New Hampshire
Dyed: United States, Pennsylvania

We are proud to introduce a companion to our beloved nightshades, its sunshine counterpart, daylights.

Immediately after developing nightshades, we felt it fitting to create an inverse of that color palette, inspired by the same dusting of color.

The challenge in developing this palette was greater than any yarn project to date for our mill. The slightest amount of color, too much or too little, takes the yarn from subdued, to overly bright. Nailing the right balance for each color was essential to creating a palette which mirrored its counterpart nightshades. Three years later, we’ve arrived at the right color formulas.

This yarn is spun from the same crimpy, long, and fine wool as nightshades. Montana grown Cormo wool makes for a springy 3-ply, light and perfect for a heavy wear garment, or a light accessory.

Daylights was developed from the hues cast by the sun crossing the horizon, breathing life into everything it touches. The twinkling of sunshine dancing through the trees, and its iridescent hues, inspire unexpected color combinations. At HD, we think, live, breathe, and sometimes dream in color ratios. We hope this palette celebrates the curious beauty of light.

Grown in Montana, scoured in Texas, dyed in Philadelphia, and spun in New Hampshire. We hope you can find a shade and a garment that makes you feel at home in the light.

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