Linea Pura Nastrino from Lana Grossa

Linea Pura Nastrino

from Lana Grossa
Sport (12 wpi) ?
208 yards
(190 meters)
50 grams
(1.76 ounces)
26.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 4 - 6 or 3.5 - 4mm
100% Cotton
ribbon tape
Color: Solid color
Construction: Tape
Dye: Machine dyed

Trendsetter Color Card

It has been a very long time since a wonderful ribbon has been part of any yarn collection. It is now time for this style of yarn to return. Nastrino is chained with small needles to create a flat solid ribbon. The 100% cotton fiber is made into a single ply yarn and put on a circular machine to create a very fine tube (like a shoe lace.) The yarn is pressed flat and then dyed in strong clear colors.

They specifically made this yarn small so it can be worked in wonderful stitch patterns, blended with other yarns like Ecopuno and always remain light weight. This is another yarn that will continue to be a classic. Work Nastrino in pattern stitches, slipped stitches, textured stitches or blend it along with other yarns like Silkhair, Solo Lino, Silkhair Print and more.

Sophisticated cotton tape yarn with a silky sheen

100 % Cotton
50 g
3,5 - 4
190 m
R: 32, M: 26

popular colorways


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