700 Tex from Manos del Uruguay

700 Tex

from Manos del Uruguay
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
138 yards
(126 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
3.5 to 4.0 sts
= 1 inch
US 9 - 5.5 mm
100% Wool
Handspun, irregular thickness

This is vintage Manos del Uruguay yarn that was a precursor to the Manos Wool Clasica sold today.

popular colorways

11 Navy

6 stashed

1 project

26 Maroon Red

6 stashed

2 projects


8 stashed

38 Purple

14 stashed

2 projects

41 Thistle

9 stashed

48 Cherry

7 stashed

50 Heather

6 stashed

51 Teal

7 stashed

1 project


7 stashed

1 project

240 Blue

10 stashed

1 project


7 stashed

1 project


9 stashed