yarns > Mythica Fibers > Rustic Silk

Rustic Silk

Rustic Silk is 100% noil silk (so-called raw silk) yarn. Its texture is rustic and casual with neps, without pearly sheen of filament silk. Great for summer garments and accessories, and you can wear it through Spring to Autumn (and Winter for layered items). It keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer, and is lighter weight than cotton.
Japan has a long tradition of producing silk and kimono, and once was a major exporting country of silk. In The feudal Edo period, the Shogunate prohibited commoners from wearing luxurious filament silk. Instead, wealthy merchants and landlords wore noil silk (tsumugi) kimono to enjoy the most comfort and luxury as allowed to them. Nowadays noil silk kimono is considered informal but chic and smart, and there are many kimono lovers who prefer noil silk to gorgeous and formal filament silk kimono.
Due to the nature of noil silk and its production process, there can be small pieces of plant fiber found in the yarn.
Rustic Silkは絹100%の紬糸です。ツルっとしていて光沢感のある正絹ではなく、カジュアルにお使いいただける、節のあるざっくりとしたマットなテクスチャーです。春夏のウェアや小物に特にお勧めですが、絹は冬暖かく夏涼しいという長所がございますので、春~秋の3シーズン、または重ね着でしたら冬にも年間を通してご着用いただけます。コットンより軽いのも嬉しいポイントです。
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- Page created: January 27, 2019
- Last updated: August 23, 2020 …
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