Shelter from Rowan Lane Fibres


from Rowan Lane Fibres
Light Fingering ?
382 yards
(349 meters)
100 grams
(3.53 ounces)
26.0 to 32.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 1 - 3 or 2.25 - 3.25mm
2.25mm (B) - 3.25mm (D)
40% Wool - Bluefaced Leicester (BFL)
40% Wool - Shetland
20% Camelid - Alpaca
Source of fiber: United Kingdom

base: shelter
fingering weight
40% BFL | 40% shetland
20% grey alpaca
non superwash
100g | 350 m | 382 y

This blend has the loft and bounce of BFL, the strength of Shetland and the superior warmth of UK alpaca to create a woolly and rustic, yet pleasantly soft yarn that can be worn next to the skin.

Available in 2 colours.