Zauber Flower Pro from Schoppel-Wolle

Zauber Flower Pro

from Schoppel-Wolle
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
656 yards
(600 meters)
150 grams
(5.29 ounces)
30.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 0 - 2½ or 2 - 3mm
100% Wool
Care: Hand Wash
Color: Gradient
Dye: Machine dyed
Ply: Single ply
Source of fiber: Argentina, Patagonia

If you love Zauberball 100, you’ll love Zauber Flower! This extra-large cake features 656 yards and the full-color repeat in just one colorful cake! Zauber Flower has a twice as long gradient as the same colors in Zauberball®100.

Take a look at the North American color card by skacel! This yarn is available in North America through your participating LYS or online retailer.

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