Metal from Trendsetter Yarns


from Trendsetter Yarns
77 yards
(70 meters)
20 grams
(0.71 ounces)
0.0 sts
95% Manufactured Fibers - Polyester
5% Manufactured Fibers - Metallic
Novelty: Eyelash

95% polyester, 5% metallic

Created on a weaving loom, this is an Eyelash yarn that has a center chain with fun lashes injected every 4 “. Most of the lashes are Polyester but to create the metallic effect, we have added pieces of Metallic yarn into each collection of lashes.

This is a carry-along yarn therefore no needle range or gauge is given.

popular colorways

8 Red Eyelash

18 stashed

14 Black Multi

8 stashed

15 Purple

18 stashed

2 projects

17 Sapphire W Copper Glitz

12 stashed

19 Gold Copper

16 stashed

3 projects

20 Color

15 stashed

3 projects

38 Purple

10 stashed

41 Brown

12 stashed

1 project

43 Teal Copper

7 stashed

1 project

47 Blue Black

11 stashed

2 projects


5 stashed

1 project


8 stashed

1 project

54 Blue Gold

10 stashed

2 projects

55 Black

20 stashed

3 projects

56 Rose

11 stashed


12 stashed


11 stashed

1 project

75 Silver

12 stashed

101 Black Pink Silver

8 stashed

1 project

105 Blue Grey And Black

7 stashed

2 projects

106 Lb Blue Gold

5 stashed

1 project


11 stashed

3 projects

248 Copper

15 stashed

2 projects

736 Chianti Plum

17 stashed

1 project


7 stashed